2025 DOGWOOD Parade
Presented by Phoenixville Jaycees Foundation
Saturday, May 17 at 1:00 pm
Starts on TBD

Information to Help You Enjoy the Parade

Saturday, May 18
The Annual Dogwood Parade takes place on Armed Forces Day

1:00 PM Start Time
Use caution when finding a viewing area, never assume a street is closed.

If you need parking visit one of the municipal or private lots in the Borough

1.4 Mile Route
The parade route is approximately 1.4 miles long. Starting at Smithworks Blvd

A Path 81 Years In The Making

Why the new parade route?
This year we are excited to be celebrating the Borough of Phoenixville's 175th birthday and the Phoenixville Fire Department's 150th birthday during the Dogwood Parade! Due to these exciting celebrations, we are planning a BIG parade and need extra space for the lineup.
Traffic Considerations
Road Closures:
Main St from Smithworks Blvd to 5th Ave from 12:30pm to 3pm (or parade end) on Saturday May 18
Smithworks Blvd from Paradise St to Main St from 12:30 to 2:30pm (or parade end) on Saturday May 18
Paradise St from Nutt Rd to Smithworks Blvd from 9:00am - 2:30pm (or parade end) on Saturday May 18
Information for Steelpointe Residents

Join In Our 81 Year History
To provide individuals a platform where
they engage in events, programs, and
partnerships that better our community.